Calling All Book Lovers! - Kissing Tree
Mar 03rd, 2020

Calling All Book Lovers!

For those of us who love reading, there’s nothing as exciting as tucking into a good book. That’s why we’re excited to tell you about the new free lending library in Sam’s Café, located in Independence Hall in the heart of The Mix.

Grab a Coffee and a Book

For those who don’t want to hoof it all the way over to the San Marcos Public Library, we’ve got a selection of fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks, novels and more right here at Kissing Tree! Whether you prefer mysteries, biographies, true crime, historical fiction, or something totally different, our ever-growing library currently has books available in lots of different genres. You can enjoy browsing the selection of books while you drink a coffee or take a book home with you.

How It Works

Checking out books is free and open to all Kissing Tree residents. We’re working on the honor system—just put your name and the title of the book you’re borrowing on the checkout sheet. The café is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., so you can find your next read anytime during normal business hours.

Have Extra Books? We’ll Take Them!

If you have any extra books that you’re looking to find new homes for, we’re always taking donations—please feel free to bring them in and add them to the library! And special thanks to all the Kissing Tree residents who have already brought books to fill the shelves.

Join a Kissing Tree Book Club!

While we’re on the subject of reading, it’s worth reminding everyone that Kissing Tree has two book clubs for residents. If you love diving into a good book and relish a good discussion about plot points, character development and more, please come join us!

  • Book Discussion Group – This co-ed group meets every 6 weeks during the daytime.
  • Between the Covers Group –This co-ed group meets once a month in the evenings.

To get more information about either group or find the next meeting time, feel free to talk to Kevin in the HOA office (or email Kevin at or check out the online Activity Calendar.

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